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flagd supports configuration via config file, environment variables and flags. In cases of conflict, flags have the highest priority, followed by environment variables and finally config file.

Supported flags are documented (auto-generated) here.

Environment variable keys are uppercased, prefixed with FLAGD_ and all - are replaced with _. For example, sync-provider-args in environment variable form is FLAGD_SYNC_PROVIDER_ARGS.

Config file expects the keys to have the exact naming as the flags.

URI patterns

Any URI passed to flagd via the --uri flag must follow one of the 4 following patterns to ensure that it is passed to the correct implementation:


Customising sync providers

Custom sync providers can be used to provide flag evaluation logic.

Kubernetes provider

The Kubernetes provider allows flagD to connect to a Kubernetes cluster and evaluate flags against a specified FeatureFlagConfiguration resource as defined within the open-feature-operator spec.

To use an existing FeatureFlagConfiguration custom resource, start flagD with the following command:

flagd start --uri

Source Configuration

While a URI may be passed to flagd via the --uri flag, some implementations may require further configurations. In these cases the --sources flag should be used. The flag takes a string argument, which should be a JSON representation of an array of SourceConfig objects. Alternatively, these configurations should be passed to flagd via config file, specified using the --config flag.

urirequired string
providerrequired string (file, kubernetes, http or grpc)
bearerTokenoptional stringUsed for http sync
certPathoptional stringUsed for grpcs sync when TLS certificate is needed

The uri field values do not need to follow the URI patterns, the provider type is instead derived from the provider field. If the prefix is supplied, it will be removed on startup without error.

Example start command using a filepath sync provider and the equivalent config file definition:

./bin/flagd start --sources='[{"uri":"config/samples/example_flags.json","provider":"file"},{"uri":"http://my-flag-source.json","provider":"http","bearerToken":"bearer-dji34ld2l"}]{"uri":"default/my-flag-config","provider":"kubernetes"},{"uri":"grpc://my-flag-source:8080","provider":"grpc"}'
- uri: config/samples/example_flags.json
provider: file
- uri: http://my-flag-source.json
provider: http
bearerToken: bearer-dji34ld2l
- uri: default/my-flag-config
provider: kubernetes
- uri: http://my-flag-source.json
provider: kubernetes
- uri: grpc://my-flag-source:8080
provider: grpc
- uri: grpcs://my-flag-source:8080
provider: grpc
certPath: /certs/ca.cert