Member areas of interest
OpenFeature technical committee members, maintainers, and approvers may list their areas of interest below, to help the community to find good points of contact for topics of interest across the project.
Technical committee members are required to list these areas of interest, and this is optional for maintainers and approvers. These listings may be useful to find an appropriate person to tag on an issue, for example.
Members who are specifically employed by a company to contribute to the OpenFeature project are recommended to list their company affiliation, so that they may be contacted with vendor-specific concerns.
Technical committee members
Dan O’Brien, LaunchDarkly
Todd Baert, Dynatrace
Steve Arch, CloudBees
Maintainers and approvers
Maintainers and approvers are invited to list their areas of interest to further assist the community in finding appropriate points of contact.
Alois Reitbauer, Dynatrace
Ben Rometsch, Flagsmith
Justin Abrahms, eBay
Alex Jones, Canonical
Michael Beemer, Dynatrace
Pete Hodgson, Independent
David Hirsch, Dynatrace
- Community and Outreach
- Adoption